

ご覧頂きありがとうございます。Pan de momoは2011年9月に横浜の大倉山で創業し、2021年9月に京都府城陽市富野に移転開業したパン屋です。お店の名前の由来は創業当時1歳だった娘の名前です。自分の子供に食べさせたいパンをコンセプトに、厳選した素材の味を最大に引き出すことを心掛けて、パン職人である店主が魂を込めて毎日パン生地を仕込んでいます。店主が魔法をかけた美味しいパンを、どうぞご家族で美味しくお召し上がりください。

1. Foundation:
“Pan de momo” bakery originally started in 2011 in Okurayama (Yokohama) and relocated to Joyo City (Kyoto Prefecture) in September 2021.

2. The story behind the name:
The shop’s name was chosen by my daughter who was one year old that time.

3. Concept:
The passion of bread-making is the soul of our bakery. Based on the idea of a healthy and nutritious bread which we would like our children to eat, we make fresh bread with carefully selected ingredients fresh, every day.

In the early hours of each morning, we begin the process of bread making which you can see the YouTube video #link# is on STORY page)

We are open for both online-order and walk-in sale at our store.
Please enjoy our various baked goods made with love and care!